Siddharth's last outing in Tamil was Kadhalil Sodhapuvathu Yeppadi and the actor received rave reviews for his wonderful performance. His next film in Tamil is being produced by Vetrimaaran and the director is Manikandan. Siddharth is a very talented actor for sure, but not many fans are aware that he has another talent as well - the ability to belt out chartbusting songs.
The KSY actor is quite the playback singer with hits like Adada Adada from Santhosh Subramaniam, Parvathy and Ananda Jaladhosham from KSY. He has a number of hit songs to his credit in Telugu as well. Siddharth recorded a song for his new Tamil film with GV Prakash and he is very excited about the track. He calls the song a 'cracker' and added that according to GV Prakash it is his best rendition of a track yet.
Yesterday, we had reported that Vijay would soon be recording his 25th song under the composition of G.V.Prakash for his upcoming AL Vijay project. Now, Siddharth's done with his duties in the studio and Vijay will be next in line.