Many are shocked that a woman from the United States fell from a height of 13,500 feet and survived.

Sky Diving
For some, a high place can be intimidating. But for some, Mount Everest may still be a sight to behold. Jordan Hatmaker is one of them. The 35-year-old has been involved in an adventure called Sky Diving since 2015. She has wanted to do skydiving since she was a child.
13,500 feet high
Hatmaker was involved in a sky diving adventure in November 2021 in Suffolk, Virginia, USA. She was trying to open her parachute while flying at an altitude of 13,500 feet but lost control as she got entangled in her parachute in the middle. She immediately opened a second parachute, called the Reserve Parachute, which is used in emergency situations.
But the Reserve Parachute flew out in opposite directions and thus Hatmaker, which was subjected to intense rotation, began to fall towards the ground at a speed of 125 mph. As she approached the ground, she freed herself from the ropes of the parachute and fell to the ground.
Thus her leg, back and limbs were severely damaged. She was immediately rushed to the hospital and admitted to the intensive care unit. After 25 days, she regained her consciousness.
Commenting on the experience, she said, "I didn't have any thoughts because I was spiralling so I didn't know what was going on, I was just in strategy mode."
Doctors say that she still has 3 months to get up and walk. However, after announcing that she will be back to skydiving, she said, "I don't think that you should give up things that you love just because an obstacle was put in your way, life is too short and you should do what makes you happy."
Survival of Hatmaker who fell from a height of 13,500 feet has taken many by surprise.