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By Saradha | May 29, 2020 09:15 AM

US President Donald Trump once again reiterated his offer to mediate the dispute between India and China in its borders. He told the journalists while interacting at the White House on Thursday that he spoke to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is not in a “good mood” due to the “big conflict” between the two countries. 

PM Modi Not in \"Good Mood\", says Trump!

"They like me in India. I think they like me in India more than the media likes me in this country. And, I like Modi. I like your prime minister a lot. He is a great gentleman," he said.

When asked if he was worried about what was going on with China, he said "They have a big conflict ...India and China. Two countries with 1.4 billion people (each). Two countries with very powerful militaries. India is not happy and probably China is not happy,"

“I can tell you; I did speak to Prime Minister Modi. He is not in a good mood about what is going on with China," Trump said.

A day earlier, Donald Trump volunteered to mediate between the two countries. He tweeted that he was "ready, willing and able to mediate" between the two countries.

When one of the comments questioned his tweet, he clarified saying "I would do that (mediate). If they thought it would help" about "mediate or arbitrate, I would do that," he said.

When the media questioned the Indian govt’s stance on the issue, External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Anurag Srivastava told "We are engaged with the Chinese side to peacefully resolve it," "The two sides have established mechanisms both at military and diplomatic levels to resolve situations which may arise in border areas peacefully through dialogue and continue to remain engaged through these channels," he said.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry is yet to react to Trump’s tweet.

Trump's unexpected offer came on a day when China took the stance that its situation with India is "overall stable and controllable."

“In Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Wednesday that both China and India have proper mechanisms and communication channels to resolve the issues through dialogue and consultations,” NDTV Reported.

Previously, Trump made offers to mediate between India and Pakistan on the Kashmir conflict.

அரசியல், விளையாட்டு, நாட்டுநடப்பு, குற்ற சம்பவங்கள், வர்த்தகம், தொழில்நுட்பம், சினிமா, வாழ்க்கை முறை என பலதரப்பட்ட சுவாரஸ்யமான செய்திகளை தமிழில் படிக்க இங்கு கிளிக் செய்யவும்      



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