Home > News Shots > WorldTrump’s administration announced on Wednesday, that students who are studying at universities in the U.S., with online classes, must return to their respective native countries. This decision is expected to hamper various Indian students.

As per the Press Release released by the federal immigration agency, the U.S. will not be providing visas for those students who have enrolled themselves in schools or programmes that are completely switching to online classes for the semester due to the on-going global coronavirus pandemic. The press release also said that these students will not be permitted to remain protected or enter the country’s borders.
Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have also sued the federal immigration agency for barring students from staying in America. This law suit seeks a restraining order. Harvard University President Lawrence Bacow said, “We will pursue this case vigorously so that out international students and international students at institutions across the country can continue their studies without the threat of deportation.”
He further added, “As a university with a profound commitment to residential education, we hope and intend to resume full in-person instruction as soon as it is safe and responsible to do so. But, until that time comes, we will not stand by to see our international students’ dreams extinguished by a deeply misguided order. We owe it to them to stand up and fight and we will.”
While the students are already under immense pressure, restrictions on international travel is an added problem. Various countries have restricted international flights which makes it difficult for students to make it back to their native countries.
Further, PhD students who are pursuing their research are in grave trouble. One of the Indian researchers in the U.S. wrote to MoneyControl.com, “Merely weeks before the submission of my final thesis, the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has taken an abrupt decision to send back students pursuing online-only programmes.
“I had been pursuing this research since 2016. I don’t even know what will happen. If I leave, what happens to my pending research? Everything cannot be done from India. A lot of data is stored in my laptop but I do need constant access to my institute library to cross-check past projects and gather adequate material. The ICE rules mean that my PhD could technically come to a standstill. Unfortunately, my doctoral advisor would also retire next year. So, in case I am sent back and unable to return before May 2021, there will be another lengthy process to get another mentor.
“If everything went as per plan, I would have received a doctoral degree by September 2021, and would have started working in a healthcare research firm.”