Home > News Shots > WorldThe sudden spike in number of COVID19 cases across the country as well as the world has been worrying. Children too have been affected by the novel coronavirus.

Are Children Prone to virus?
Newborns are susceptible to COVID19 only in two situations: If they are born to mothers with suspected or confirmed COVID19, if they live in a locality or area that is a COVID19 cluster or they are exposed to relatives or caregivers who are infected. Reportedly, Coronavirus infection is less severe as well as less frequent among children.
In one of The Hindu’s reports, Dr. Rahul Yadav, Senior perinatologist and neonatologist. Answered the concerns raised by Pregnant women and lactating mothers.
1- Whether Mothers could transmit the virus to their newborn babies?
Yes, it is possible for mothers to transmit the virus to their offspring before, during and after birth but the possibilities are minimal.
2- Does Pregnancy increase the risk?
No, Pregnancy does not increase the risk of Coronavirus!
3- Is it still advisable for mothers to breastfeed?
When Breastmilk samples were tested, results highlighted that most of the samples had negative results. Most of the international health organizations and agencies such as World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) continue to recommend breastfeeding.
4- Should mothers take extra precautions to protect their newborn babies from COVID19?
No Extra care is needed for a normal new born baby born to a mother who is not infected by COVID19.
Though children have been affected due to the virus, the number of adults, especially the ones above the age of forty, clearly surpasses this tally. “That’s an unusual bit of good news for a respiratory disease, since viruses like influenza often strike the very young and the very old more aggressively, given their more vulnerable immune systems. I can’t think of another situation in which a respiratory infection only affects adults so severely,” Dr. Yvonne Maldonado, professor of pediatrics at Stanford University School of Medicine told the TIME Magazine.