The 2017 IPL auction was held in Bengaluru on Monday, where a total of 66 players out of the 351 players shortlisted were sold between the eight participating franchises. England all-rounder Ben Stokes broke the all-time winning bid record after he was sold to Rising Pune Supergiants at Rs 14.5 crore, while Royal Challengers Bengaluru acquired fellow English bowler Tymal Mills for Rs 12 crore. South African quickie Kagiso Rabada and Kiwi speedster Trent Boult at Rs 5 crore were purchased by the Delhi Daredevils and Kolkata Knight Riders respectively. The surprise of the Auction was Afghanistan’s Rashid Khan, and Tamil Nadu’s T Natarajan were sold at Rs 4 crore and Rs 3.5 crores to Sunrisers Hyderabad and Kings XI Punjab respectively.
By Varun Vasudevan | Feb 20, 2017 11:06 PM #IPL #IPL 2017 #IPL2017 #IPLAuction
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