A Tamil Nadu Youngster tried to choke his mother to death after she refused to give money. Neighbours stopped the drunk man from killing his mother. The incident took place in Panangarai village a place near Arumanai in Kanyakumari. A video of this incident was shot and is being widely circulated in social media.

The man who is seen in the video has been identified as Vinu, a daily wage worker. As per media reports, over the past few days, he has been troubling and fighting with his mother for money in a drunk state.
He tried to choke and kill his mother when she refused to give him the Rs. 1000 that the Tamil Nadu government had distributed as Lockdown Relief fund. The neighbours stopped him from killing his mother and rescued her from him. One could notice in the video that the neighbours shouting and requesting him to let go of his mother.
The Heartbreaking video highlights how domestic abuse continues to take place in one form or the other in various parts of the country.