BJP lawmaker Subramanian Swamy on Monday claimed that the Enforcement Directorate was not given political sanction to arrest former Finance Minister P Chidambaram’s son Karti Chidambaram. This comes after ED was given the nod to investigate Karti under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act for his alleged involvement in black money and illegal deal in the Aircel-Maxis scam. Further, Swamy also showed documents alleging illegality in the Aircel-Maxis deal, where a Malaysian company, through various other companies, gave a bribe to Mr. Karti Chidambaram.
By Varun Vasudevan | Feb 20, 2017 10:40 PM #Subramanian Swamy #Karti Chidambaram #P Chidambaram #Aircel Maxis deal
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