Amid the on-going coronavirus lockdown, children are largely spending their time on non-productive activities. This includes watching shows on television and playing games on mobile phones. With a rapid increase in the spread of the coronavirus infections, children are confined from physically indulging themselves in games, or attending extra-curricular classes.

In order to act as a catalyst and help parent’s overcome this enormous challenge, Story Time Tamil, a YouTube channel has emerged into lime light. With the aim of building the character of children from a very young age, so as to help them grow, the channel focuses on story telling. Using stories to imbibe values, the channel comes up with a new story every day to nourish the young minds.
Story Time Tamil is the brain child of Ravishankar Balachandran; a former Chartered Accountant and IT employee who has channelled his attention towards attaining his true passion – Story Telling.
By ensuring that the stories are filled with an engaging plot, strong characters, and diverse on-set, they try to trigger and exhaust the creative potential of children. In the sea of other such YouTube channels, Story Time Tamil sets itself apart with the kind of positivity that it resonates via fresh stories filled with kind, generous, and humane essences.
Further it helps children understand and learn Tamil as a language.
These stories are well segmented to suit different age groups, ranging from 2-5 years, 6-9 years, and 10-13 years. Over 300 stories have already been released on the platform while they strive at creating more promising content.
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