After PM Modi tweeted condemning the Stockholm terror attack saying, “My thoughts are with the families of the deceased & prayers with those injured. @SwedishPM”, RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav trolled him in his tweet, “If ever get free time than consider to condemn such attacks also on innocent sons of "Mother India" by rightist goons right under ur nose”, referring to the Alwar attack where a dairy farmer was killed by cow vigilantes. Rajasthan CM Vasundhara Raje was also berated for a similar tweet. Congress leader Sachin Pilot criticised saying, “And not a word of remorse or sympathy for mob lynching in Alwar. CM shld speak out against so called"Gau Rakshaks"& their violence.will she?”. *Tweets are not spell-checked.
By Vikraman Maniraj | Apr 9, 2017 12:34 PM #LaluprasadYadav #NarendraModi #StockholmAttack
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