Home > News Shots > InspiringBy Dhiraj | Mar 19, 2019 10:29 AM
The New York City Half Marathon this year witnessed a special site where Thomas Panek, President, and CEO of the Guiding Eyes for the Blind, became the first blind person to run the race, completely led by a relay of running Guide dogs.

Thomas Panek was a runner with full vision in high school but unfortunately started losing his vision. For some time, he managed by following the person in front of him, but his vision started to gradually diminish and became legally blind, which didnt allow him to run anymore.
But now he is back and with the help of his Guide dogs and has managed to complete the marathon run successfully. This indeed is a special achievement and a great inspiration for a lot of people out there. He has proven that impairment is not a roadblock to success, rather with the right attitude and determination, one can reach the desired heights.
Gus took on Times Square like a pro during his leg of the #UnitedNYCHalf with our president & CEO, Thomas Panek.
— Guiding Eyes (@GuidingEyes) March 18, 2019
Now retired, Gus will live with Thomas & family #GoodBoyGus!
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📷: Tim Gorbold