In the state of Madhya Pradesh, an act of beggar for his wife has moved many.

Santosh Kumar Sahu hails from Sindhwara district in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The lower part of his waist is not functioning properly.
Thus, he has been begging in the area and earning a living from it. Santosh also has a wife, Munni.
Begging by trolley
Since her husband could not walk, she had been begging together in temples, mosques and public places in the Sindhwara area as she pushes the trolley where her husband sits forward. Since the husband cannot pedal the cart, the wife will keep the husband sitting in front of her all the time and push the cart. Both of them have been begging for around 300 to 400 rupees a day.
Husband's decision
In the meanwhile, it is said that he pushed the cart and came forward with back pain. Seeing the condition of the wife which is the big reason for their survival, Santosh is in agony. Thus, he has made a strange decision to alleviate his wife's grief.
With the last 4 years' income, he has bought a moped with Rs 90,000 from the money he had saved by begging.
Videos and photos of the husband doing something to change his wife's pain are now going viral on the internet.