Home > News Shots > IndiaBy Ramya Ashok Kumar | Aug 20, 2018 03:21 PM

Kerala is facing its worst-ever flood in 100 years. Over 360 lives have been lost and more than half a million people displaced. Shockingly, damages caused in Kerala has been estimated to more than Rs 20,000 crore.
Roadways and property damage have been the most significant in Kerala. Roads connecting major areas in the State were cut off due to the extensive havoc created. A few days ago photos of the Malayattoor Kodanad Bridge passing over Periyar River in a sorry state was circulating on social media. The bridge was seen completely packed with all the waste dumped into the river over the years.
The amount of waste scattered on the bridge was enormous. All this while, the garbage thrown into the river remained hidden from our naked eyes, and hence we had a reason to remain quiet. It would have been the perfect opportunity to clean all the waste, now with the garbage churned out from the river.
However, what followed, highlights the ignorance of human beings. In a video tweeted by RotaryClubTinnevelly, a man could be seen on a JCB, gathering the garbage on the bridge and dumping it back inside the river.
The one golden chance to rectify our past mistakes, and yet we ended up doing just the same, once again.
Malayatoor-Kodanad bridge.
— RotaryClubTinnevelly (@rotanel) August 18, 2018
Government machinery shamelessly dumping the waste back in to the River @CMOKerala