Home > News Shots > IndiaAs summer is inching closer, people have started using their AC's at both times- day and night. Keeping the coronavirus transmission in mind, the centre issued guidelines regarding the use of air conditioners in homes and offices to prevent the easy transmission of COVID-19 through central AC systems.

The Centre advised that an ideal temperature to keep the AC should be between 24-30 degree centigrade. Also, the relative humidity must remain between 40-70 per cent. These guidelines were compiled by the Indian Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioner Engineers (ISHRAE) and were later shared by the Central Public Works Department (CPWD).
As per the documents, it suggested that "Recirculation of cool air by room air conditioners must be accompanied by outdoor air intake through slightly open windows and exhaust. While, in dry climates do not allow the relative humidity to fall below 40 percent. Water evaporating from a pan kept in the room will increase humidity if it falls below 40 per cent," the documents said.
The advisory committee also suggested that the rooms should be kept ventilated as much as possible even when ACs are not running. "As an extra precaution the frequency of service can be increased. If an exhaust fan is located nearby then it can also be switched on to exhaust air for better ventilation."
Sharing about commercial and industrial facilities, the experts advised that ventilation is a must, "The mechanical exhaust air shall be 70-80 percent of the fresh air quantity to maintain necessary positive pressure in the space. Most commercial establishments have remained closed during the lockdown. These establishments will need maintenance for both engineering and health safety," the document read.
"The air-conditioned spaces of establishments under prolonged lockdown will pose health hazards due to fungus and molds in the ducts and open spaces depending on the humidity and temperature prevailing within. Further there may be bird droppings, and excreta of rodents as well increased level of insects," the advisory finally stated.