Home > News Shots > IndiaBy Vinershea | Dec 06, 2019 07:40 PM
Hours after all four accused in the rape-and-murder of a 25-year-old woman veterinarian were killed by police on Friday morning, the shocking news made headlines and triggered a mixed opinion on social media.

Many questioned the speedy justice which was done by the police as a concerns over extra-judicial executions. Where family members of the victim expressed joy and satisfaction over the case; the family and relatives of the accused were left sad and shocked over the matter.
While speaking to media, Jollu Ramappa father of one of the accused, Jollu Shiva said that his son might have committed the crime, but did not deserve such an end. "Many people commit rapes and murders. But they were not killed like this. Why they were not meted out such treatment," Ramappa said.
Meanwhile, the prime accused in the case Mohammed Arif's mother was left with no hopes to stay. She was left speechless when media questioned her. The least she said was; 'my son is gone'.
Finally, when media reached Renuka, the sad and heart-broken wife of one of the four accused, Chennakeshavulu. "I was told nothing will happen to my husband and he would come back soon. Now, I don't know what to do. Please take me to the place where my husband was killed and kill me also," she told reporters.
She is 20-years-old and got married recently. All the four accused were economically from weaker families with poor literacy. They earned well so none questioned them about their drinking habits.
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Scenes from outside the home of Accused 1 of the Hyderabad rape murder case. #HyderabadEncounter #HyderabadHorror
Read the story here @TheQuint
— Aishwarya S Iyer (@iyersaishwarya) December 6, 2019
Wife of one of the accused, Chinnakeshavalu, requests police to take her also to the spot where her husband was encountered and asks them to shoot her down too. They got married around a year ago and she is carrying. #DishaCase #EncounterNight
— Paul Oommen (@Paul_Oommen) December 6, 2019