have been browsing the net with a thirst
to quench my Raavan/Raavanan hunger, lately.
When I come across you Chiyaan Vikram
and your interviews, my heart went out
for you.
I realized what a great human being you
are Vikram. You are painfully humble.
And I see that you take experiences and
victories at a stretch and move on to
An admirable quality for an established
or an upcoming actor. And you have it
in tons and tons.
We, as your fans highly appreciate your
demeanor, at the same time we would like
to see you in interviews, with a little
more style and charisma (which becomes
Let the charm and confidence you displayed
in Kanthaswamy and style and versatility
you portrayed in Anniyan seep through
in your personnel interviews.
Please, this is a request from your fans.
We admire you and your path your travelled
to the stardom and all the best for your
current and future endeavors.
By Dream