I've made some observations about the new 7'am Arivu trailer that I would like to share with Behindwoods viewers.
I would like to throw in a disclaimer that these are just my observations and I could be completely wrong about them. But looking at the initial trailer of 7'am Arivu it seems to be a direct rip off from the Assassins Creed video game series.
1. The protagonist: Desmond miles, a barkeeper who is unknowingly a descendent of a line of Assissins. (14th Century)
1a. Change that to Surya who is a circus showman and also a descendant of the great Bodhidharman. (6th Century)
2. The assassins were believed to be some of the deadliest warriors of their era who founded various new military techniques.
2a. Bodhidharman is supposed to be a great warrior and is credited with teaching martial arts to the Shaolin Monks.
3. There are two groups, fighting to kidnap Desmond Miles (the protagonist). A big bad mega-corporation and a smaller group of ethical scientists.
3a. Chinki villain and Shruthi's team.
4. Desmond Miles is forced to use the "Animus", a device that allows him to experience his ancestral memories
4a. Change that to a large blue capsule filled with goo and Surya all wired up inside it
Dev Kannabiran