KTVI - Real side of the Reel world

KTVI - Real side of the Reel world

By Jayanthi Raja Seenivasan isn't responsible for the views expressed by the visitor in this column. The visitor claims that this column is his/her own. If the column infringes any copyrights that you hold, please email us at

3 years - toughest toil nurturing a story through screenplay to screen-display. 
3 hours - on screen life to longtime tinsel dreams. 
3 min - very easy complimenting & criticising by viewers.
KTVI : Guts of a seasoned director Ra Parthiban to show slices of movie making. The painful real world of the colourful reel world. Fresh faces & Thambi Ramiah do justice. Classic concept but screenplay full of intuitions & confusions. Overdose of certain emotions. Ultimately that is the reality supposed to be projected. 
Off screen tears behind on screen smiles. A satirical composition of the dreams, creativity, pain, fun, expectations, humiliations and life behind silver screens.
KTVI is a beautiful projection of the off screen reel -real world. Live the moment and enjoy the drive, the destination isn't too far.
Jayanthi Raja Seenivasan

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