The Shadow of the Arc Light |
Dust: Vignettes from the Fringes of the Film Industry,
winner of the National Book Award for best film
book, is an enjoyable account of people from the
fringes of Kollywood. The book (by India Penguin)
uses short, vivid sketches to look sympathetically
and curiously at those who remain in "the
shadows of the arc lights" in Indian cinema.
Roopa Swaminathan, the author, profiles extras,
fans, dancers, sound recordists, production managers,
editors, assistant directors, character actors
and item girls. Her style is journalistic more
than academic, and her prose is simple but entertaining.
A search for the words `fan-club' typed on Google”,
she notes, “comes up with over 61,000 hits.
And pretty much all of them have the following
two words in them: Tamil Nadu," The first
chapter deals with rasigar manrams. She asks why
fan clubs are rampant in Chennai but not Mumbai,
and provides interesting answers. She notes that
everyone in Tamil Nadu makes a clear either-or
choice when it comes to heroes: "You either
like Sivaji or MGR. Kamal or Rajnikant, Ajit or
Vijay... the fact is everyone in Tamil Nadu is
a fan."
book evokes the dreams, hopes and agonies of three die-hard
fans — Nacchamathu, a Rajini fan, Thirunavukkarasu,
a Vijay fan who has to debate the merits of Vijay with
his father who happens to be a fervent Rajini believer,
and Parthiban, who starves himself if he fails to remember
from which Rajini movie a particular scene on television
is from. The chapters that follow on extras and dancers
is equally fascinating and revealing. The extras range
from the Mylapore mamis "who wear their nine-yard
saris and speak pure Vadama Iyer Tamil" to `Roja
pati', "the old lady who dances with abandonment
in "Roja".
In a seedy apartment in Kodambakkam, the author interviews
a trio of giggling, buxom, dark, thick-waisted dancers.
And it is just as we had guessed: they have a hard life,
perennially living on the edge, emotionally and sexually
wasted. Models — college girls trained in contemporary
dance - who do it not for the money but for kicks are
their biggest threat. The newer choreographers in Bollywood
prefer "models" to the traditional dancers.
Veteran choreographers in the South — Kala Master
and Brinda, however, are fiercely protective of these
dancers and "are derisive of the choreographers
in Mumbai who dismiss dancers from the south as being
dark and fat and unattractive. Both firmly believe that
the dancers from Mumbai are no patch on the ones from
the south and claim that most of their dancers are trained
classical dancers and therefore superior to their counterparts
up north."
"Dancers" also looks at the burgeoning soft
porn film industry, beginning with Silk Smitha (whose
real name we learn was Vijayalaxmi) and her suicide,
to Mumtaz and then Shakeela who charges 35,000 for a
day's work. In "Technicians", Swaminathan
turns her attention to outsiders who became insiders
— key people in the industry whose actual work
we know little about: superstar Telegu producer A.M.
Ratnam, Dharani, the director of "Dhool" and
"Gilli" (a polio victim who made it against
great odds, it was Dharani as an assistant director
in Yajamaan who introduced the familiar Rajini trademark
of the swishing angavastram.) sound recordist Anand
who uses sync sound, art director Sabu Cyril, production
manager Nazeer and dubbing artist Savitha who has dubbed
for Jyothika, Sheha, Vasundhara and Meera Jasmine.
"Assistants" looks at those intrepid hopefuls
— assistant and associate directors poised in
the shadow of the arc light. The last chapter, "The
Vikram Story", is a slight departure, stylistically
and thematically, from the book's premise: Roopa switches
to the first person, shaping the new superstar Vikram's
words into autobiography. Vikram's extraordinary story
of how he became an actor and a star against incredible
odds is compelling.
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