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The importance of Discipline


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Discipline is a dreaded word especially for children (even for some grown-ups). It represents a systematic and organized approach to all our activities. It is the cornerstone for success in professional endeavors. Even in today’s age of management jargon, discipline is relevant. It has metamorphosed to be euphemistically called time management, on-time deliverables, project planning

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etc. Therefore, we take a look at what are the important elements which constitute discipline and how it should be inculcated in young children.

Discipline stems from the desire to accomplish activities. These could be everyday habits or specific ones. The first step towards demystifying discipline is the realization that it cannot be taught but it has to be practiced. Therefore, we must first make a list of priorities. This list should include specific tasks related to personal, professional or family responsibilities. We should not ignore leisure or fun times as well. With children therefore, we must list out their academic schedule and tailor some games and leisure activities. The next step is to communicate the list. The child has to be constantly reminded that following the schedule will be enjoyable and not burdensome. As children cannot internalize results, they should be encouraged to perform as best as they can. Rome was not built in a day. Slowly, the child will understand the value of time and how to use it effectively. Another important thing is to remember that children look up to their parents. Therefore, the seniors themselves have to boot up and discipline themselves. Missed deadlines, burnt food, dirty clothes, stressed out lives – children from such homes will not appreciate discipline.

With very young children, discipline can be introduced using the prototype method. We choose one activity and make the child do it repetitively so that he becomes comfortable with it. It could be something as simple as playing a game or coloring a picture. Make a time-table such that the child is involved in that activity at the appointed hour. This way he understands that every activity has a set time. Time is the most precious asset and it is our duty to build future citizens who know how to handle time in a responsible manner.